Arizona Council of Engineering and Scientific Associations

Professional, Educational, Corporate & STEM/CTE Organizations In Arizona

ACESA is an umbrella organization for all engineering and scientific professional organizations in Arizona. Membership in ACESA provides access to a number of services. Click here to get additional information about membership and to access our membership form.

Select from the categories below to see the engineering and scientific organizations operating in Arizona (both local and national), as well as trade associations and corporations.

STEM/CTE and other community events Competitions

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STEM/CTE competitions are going strong here in Arizona, and always with a need for mentors, judges and sponsors. ACESA supports these activities with our newsletter, electronic media, and interactive displays at local STEM events.


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Many Arizona businesses are dedicated to bringing the latest and greatest technology to our lives. These companies apply science and technology on a daily basis, and regularly give back to the STEM/CTE and other community events.


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Many opportunities for education are available in Arizona, provided by many different types of organizations. Ranging from non-profit teachers' associations to companies that specialize in resources and services, these organizations support our educators in many ways.

Scientific organizations

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Some organizations are dedicated to basic science and advancing fundamental knowledge. While not typically producing commercial products, they are responsible for discovering and developing the underlying principles and techniques that will benefit our lives and the future for our children.

Technical and Professional Societies

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An engineering society assists its members in many ways by publishing news, organizing seminars and technical conferences, and helping members stay in touch with each other. Larger societies might provide resources for independent professionals, such as health benefits and financial planning resources.

Trade associations

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A trade association or trade group is an organization of businesses that operate in a specific industry. An association participates in public relations activities such as advertising, education, publishing, lobbying, and political donations, but its focus is collaboration between companies.

In accordance with the ACESA mission, providing a service to the engineering and scientific professional communities will enhance the participants' ability to reach out to other professional members in supporting their organizational events and activities. This to include their meetings, workshops, seminars, conferences, webinars, contact information, etc.